# Johann Joachim Quantz ## An account of his life taken largely from his autobiography published in 1754–5 ![[Quantz-Portrait-Gerhard-1735-590.jpg]] <small>Johann Joachim Quantz (i1735) – Portrait by Johann Friedrich Gerhard (1695-1748)</small> --- Johann Joachim Quantz (1697–1773) was a - flute player and composer at royal courts, - writer on music, - flute maker - and one of the most famous musicians of his day. Along with CPE Bach and Leopold Mozart, Quantz published an important and influential treatise on performance in the middle of the 18th century: - ***Versuch einer Anweisung die Flöte traversiere zu spielen*** (Essay of a Method for Playing the Transverse Flute) published in 1752. --- Quantz’s story makes for fascinating reading and gives some insight into the life of an 18th-century musician. My biography also discusses Quantz’s important legacy. > [!download] [**A Biography of Quantz**](https://dikmans.net/hpp/quantz/Quantz-Biography.pdf) (PDF) > An account of his life taken largely from his autobiography published in 1754–5 --- > [!link] Related Links > - [[Quantz on Articulation]] > - [[Quantz on Good Execution]] > - [[Quantz on Ornamentation]] > - [[Quantz on the Cadenza]] > - [[Quantz on the Half Cadence]]